Friday, July 16, 2010

And the unhealthy places are . . .

Do you believe in "feng shui"? (pronounced as fung shway)

 It is translated literally as wind and water.

Feng shui aims to maximize the uninterrupted movement of chi, the universal life force present in all things, through the environment. While healthy food and clean water nourish our body, fresh chi nurtures our spirit. Like a gentle breeze, chi flows gracefully through space. but when this is blocked or misdirected, our health can suffer. Makes sense, doesn't it? Besides, 1.4 billion Chinese can't be wrong, can they?
 Here are nuggets of common, down-to-earth healthy wisdom from MSNBC (June 8, 2010), which list some "surprisingly bad" locations for your health and best places to optimize it. So, here's a surprise quiz and you'd really surprised at the answers!

  • Worst place to keep your toothbrush?

Answer: The bathroom sink.

Bet you're guilty of this! But did you know that there are 3.2 million of microbes per square inch of an average toilet bowl, and all of those germs come to the fore every time you flush, landing smack on the floor and the sink? Let that thought sink in every time you flush the toilet.

So, where's the best place to keep your toothbrush? try keeping it behind the closed doors of the medicine cabinet or a nearby cupboard.

  • Worst place to stash your sneakers and flip-flops?


Answer: The bedroom closet.

Did you know that shoes track in allergens and contaminants? So, be shoe smart and leave your shoes by the front door.

  • Worst place to cool leftovers?

Answer: Believe it or not, in the refrigerator!

Did you know that putting hot leftovers directly in the fridge can cause uneven cooling and possibly food poisoning?


So, take this cool tip: leave food to cool on the counter for up to an hour after cooking or divide it into smaller containers so it can cool faster before refrigerating.

  •     Worst place to sit on an airplane?
Answer: Of course, you wouldn't want to be caught sitting in the lavatory when the airplane hits an air pocket. But the worst place to be during the flight is the rear! Did you know that the tail of the plane (or the bus for that matter) is where you'll get the bumpiest ride? I guess you already know that.
So, next time you fly, try to get a seat as close as possible to the wing if you can.

          ●     Worst place to put your handbag?

Answer: The kitchen counter. Did you know that according to the tests, there are 10,000 bacteria per square inch of purse bottoms? So, take this handy tip: Put your bag anywhere except where food is prepared or eaten.

Are you guilty of this surprisingly bad locations for health?
And are you shock with the best place to optimize it.

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