Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Coffee in a different way


If you think that antioxidants in coffee are only good for preventing diseases such as cancer and coronary heart disease, you're in for a big surprise.
They also help slow down the process of aging. Include a cup of coffee to your beauty regimen and your skin will reap the benefits. That's because antioxidants prevent cell damage which is one of the reasons for premature aging.
Not only can they help maintain your youthful looks, they also help preserve your young brain.
Another eye-opener: coffee is one of the richest source of antioxidants, much more than red wine, green tea and cocoa.
So go ahead and make coffee a part of your daily diet and have a healthy, young glow from the inside out.

To all people out there, this is just an advise. To those who are addicted to beauty products or aesthetics, why to use money for beauty if a cup of coffee is much better. :) But wait, it's not only beauty but also health.

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